Journal Publications
Agarwal, R., Bjarnadottir, M., Rhue, L., Dugas, M., Crowley, K., Clark, J., Gao, G. (Dec. 2022) Addressing Algorithmic Bias and the Perpetuation of Health Inequities: An AI Bias Aware Framework. Health Policy and Technology.
Rhue, L. and Clark, J. (forthcoming). Who Are You and What Are You Selling? The Effects of Creator-Based and Product-Based Racial Cues on Crowdfunding Success. MIS Quarterly.
Avery, D. R., Rhue, L. A., & McKay, P. F. (2022). Setting the stage for success: How participation diversity can help teams leverage racioethnic diversity. Journal of Management.
Rhue, L. and Sundararajan, A. (2019) Playing to the Crowd: How Digital Visibility Shapes Consumer Choices. MIS Quarterly, 43 (4). p1127-1141.
Rhue, L., and Sundararajan, A. (2013) Digital Access, Political Networks and the Diffusion of Democracy. Social Networks.
Reagle, J., and Rhue, L. (2011) Gender Bias in Wikipedia and Britannica. International Journal of Communication.
Working Papers
Rhue, L., and Clark, J. (2020) Automatically Signaling Quality? A Study of the Fairness-Economic Tradeoffs in Reducing Bias through AI/ML on Digital Platforms. SSRN Working Paper.
Rhue, L. (2019) Anchored to Bias: How AI-Human Scoring Can Induce and Reduce Bias Due to the Anchoring Effect. SSRN Working Paper.
Ford, K., and Rhue, L. (2019) Prominence and Popularity - The Role of Network Centrality in Debt Capital Markets. (Manuscript in progress)
Rhue, L. Is Sunlight the Best Disinfectant? The Limitations of Transparency in Perceived Trust of Cryptocurrencies. SSRN Working paper.
Rhue, L. (2018). Trust is All You Need: An Empirical Exploration of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and ICO Reputation Scores. SSRN Working Paper.
Refereed Conference Publications
Sanni, S., Daniel, S., and Rhue, L. (2022). A Power-threat View of The Role of Neighborhood Demographics on Airbnb Review Sentiments. Proceedings on the Americas Conference on IS (AMCIS). *Best ERF Paper Award
Washington, A., Rhue, L., Nakamura, L., and Stevens, R. (2022) Uncoupling inequality: Reflections the ethics of benchmarks for digital media. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science.
Mudambi, M., Rhue, L., and Clark, J. (2021). Altruistically Misinformed: Fighting Misinformation on Social Media with Prominence Reduction Strategies. ICIS 2021 Proceedings.
Rhue, L. (2019). Beauty’s in the AI of the Beholder: How AI Anchors Subjective and Objective Predictions. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2019. Munich, Germany.
Rhue, L., and Daniel, S. (2019). Birds of a Feather Lodge Together? Predicting Review Sentiment Using Social Categorization Theory. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019. Cancun, Mexico.
Rhue, L., and Robert, L. (2018). Emotional Delivery in Pro-social Crowdfunding Success. CHI EA '18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Paper No. LBW019.
Rhue, L. (2018). An Overview of Crowd-based Markets and Racial Discrimination. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2018.
Rhue, L. (2015). Who Gets Started on Kickstarter? Demographic Variations in Crowdfunding Success. ICIS 2015 Proceedings.
Rhue, L. and Sundararajan, A. (2012) Digital Access, Political Networks and the Diffusion of Democracy. ICIS 2012 Proceedings.
Rhue, L. (2012). The Pins that Bind: Preference Affirmation, Social Norms, and Networks on Pinterest. ICIS 2012 Proceedings.
Rhue, L. and Sundararajan, A. (2010). The Information Content of Economic Networks: Evidence from Online Charitable Giving. ICIS 2010 Proceedings.
Other Publications
Commentary on “Digitalization of the Housing Search: Homeseekers, Gatekeepers, and Market Legibility” and “Algorithms for All: Has Digitalization in the Mortgage Market Expanded Access to Homeownership?” Harvard Graduate Design Symposium, Bringing Digitalization Home: How Can Technology Address Housing Challenges? (forthcoming)
Washington, A. and Rhue, L. (2021). Tracing the Invisible: Information Fiduciaries and the Pandemic. (May 2021). American University Law Review, Vol. 70, 2021.
Rhue, L., and Washington, A. (2020). AI’s Wide Open: Premature Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy. (Jul 4, 2020). Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2020.
Rhue, L. (2019). Emotion-reading tech fails the racial bias test. The Conversation, January 3 2019.
Rhue, L. (2019). Crowd-based Markets: Technological Progress in Need of Civil Protections. Editors: Guillaume D. Johnson, Kevin D. Thomas, Anthony Kwame Harrison, and Sonya A. Grier. Race in the Marketplace ‐‐ Crossing Critical Boundaries. Palgrave Macmillan. *Book received Distinguished Winner of 2022 of Academy of Management Award for Responsible Research in Marketing.
Sundararajan, A., and Rhue, L. (2012). Digital Social Visibility: How Facebook Gifts Change Our Choices. Wired Opinion.
My full CV is available here.